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How do you make your offering a "Hundred-Fold Return" offering? Is it even possible? Let Dr. Siddiki help you explore what the Word of God says about this important subject. Make every offering count - don't just throw your money in the bucket and hope for the best. That's the way most Christians do it, and look at their results. God wants to take you higher than that. He wants you to have supernatural results every time you give an offering.

In this series, Dr. Siddiki teaches:
•  God's key to the hundred-fold return
•  How to please God in every offering
•  Your future is found in your seed
•  What is supernatural sowing
•  How to have God's giving nature
•  Your harvest never follows your need, it follow your seed
•  Your faith is revealed in your seed

Through this teaching, God will take you to your next level of seed and abundant harvest! Breakthrough the barriers of where you are now to the next level and beyond with The Key to the Hundred-Fold Return.
(Approx. Download Size: 172.15MB)

MP3 The Key to the Hundred-Fold Return

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